Buggy Buddies Programme 2022
Buggy Buddies is coming to Carlow Town Park
This unique class is a great way for new parents as you can bring your baby ‘n buggy along. It gives Mums the chance to get in shape. Dads are welcome too.
Parents can swap stories, get some top tips; it will get you outdoors helping you to engage in nature and lift your mood. You can get fit and active, feel energetic and positive and most of all, help you lose the weight and tone up.
We hope to see lots of mums, dads and babies for some fitness and chats at Buggy Buddies – a great way to make new friends, get fresh air and exercise, all with baby in tow. After your exercise session for those who wish to go for a coffee there will be a designated area available to relax and socialise together in a friendly atmosphere.
What are the benefits of attending a 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme! Improve your fitness level – Improve your well-being and mental health – Strengthen your pelvic floor & abdominal muscles – Increase your flexibility – Tone and define your body – Increase your energy level – Engage and be part of your community.
If you are interested in joining this 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme, please send an email to carlowsportspartnership@carlowcoco.ie
Carlow Sports Partnership Announces Two New Funding Opportunities for Sports Clubs & Community Groups
12th November 2021
1. Local Sports Participation Small Grant Scheme
Carlow Sports Partnership has secured funding from Sport Ireland to support the development of sport and physical activity with a particular emphasis on low participation groups such as young people, people with a disability, older adults, women and girls, ethnic minorities and people residing in disadvantaged areas. This fund aims to assist existing clubs and community groups that have physical activity and sport as their primary activity, and encourage the set-up of new clubs and groups to promote physical activity and sport. The maximum grant available is €2,000. This is a competitive fund. Evidence of match funding and/or benefit in kind will increase the chance of success for an application.
Application Form Local Sports Participation Grant Scheme.pdf
Guidelines Local Sports Participation Grant Scheme 2021.pdf
2. Round 2 Covid19 Small Grant
Scheme With many sporting clubs & groups now back to training and activity across the County we are delighted to announce details of the second round of the Covid-19 Club Small Grants Scheme for 2021. Funding support up to the amount of €1,500 is available. The COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme is part of a series of COVID-19 related funding schemes from Sport Ireland and the Government to support the sports sector in response to the current crisis. The COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme will provide assistance to local clubs with covering costs associated with the reopening and delivery of their activities. The COVID-19 Club Small Grants can be used to support retrospective COVID-19 related expenditure dating from 1st January 2021 onwards.
Application Form Covid19 Small Grant Scheme 2021.pdf
Guidelines Covid19 Small Grant Scheme 2021.pdf
Contact Carlow Sports Partnership: Clubs are advised to contact Carlow Sports Partnership via email mjduggan@carlowcoco.ie or phone 087 214 5262 for further information on these grant schemes.
Women's Kayaking Trip 15th August 2021
Grab your best girlfriends or take a solo kayaking adventure (in a guided group) along the River Barrow for #HerOutdoors week 2021 with Carlow Sports Partnership.
Meeting at the River Barrow Carpark in Goresbridge you will be kitted out with a kayak, personal floatation device (PFD), paddle and helmet and shown how to manoeuvre your way along the scenic route of the River Barrow.
The staff of Pure Adventure will take you on a guided trip while stopping along the way for a leisurely picnic at the side of the river.
The key points of information are:
Date: 15th August
Duration: 10:00am – 3:30pm (approx.)
Start Location: Goresbridge
End Location: Graiguenamanagh
Cost: €25.00
Experience: None is needed, however you must be comfortable in water
Participants: Must be over the age of 18 on or before 15th August 2021
What you will need:
A packed lunch
Wear clothes/runners you don’t mind getting wet (shorts & t-shirt are fine)
Water & sun cream
Organise your own drop off and collection in both locations (this is not possible for us to facilitate due to current Covid-19 guidelines)
To book your tickets, please click this link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/womens-kayaking-15th-august-her-outdoors-week-2021-tickets-163050908657
Or, if you have any queries or concerns before or after booking, please do not hesitate to contact Deborah via deborahfoley@carlowcoco.ie