
‘Active for Life’Working together towards an inclusive sporting culture with opportunities for all ages and abilities to participate in sport and physical activity


The creation of a sustainable structure for everyone in County Carlow to become involved in sport and physical activity regardless of age ability or background through:

  • Developing capacity of those involved in the delivery of sport through the provision of quality training opportunities;
  • Providing a central information point for all matters relating to sports development through a range of supports and services based on identified need. Research best practice and implement where relevant. Promote the benefits of sport;
  • Collaborating with local statutory and voluntary agencies, NGBS, schools, sports clubs and community groups to maximise resources and develop programmes in partnership to promote participation in physical activity and sport throughout the life cycle to have a positive impact on obesity, social inclusion and mental health, acting as a catalyst to address barriers to participation.

Adding Value

The ethos underlying all LSP work is sustainability & additionality.  The LSP seeks to avoid duplication, rather it supports existing sports and programme structures and addresses specific gaps and issues arising.  Collaborating with partners County Carlow Sports Partnership adds value in the following ways:

  • Highlighting the value of participating in sports and physical activities as part of a healthy active life;
  • Providing opportunities across the county for all people to engage in sports and physical activities appropriate to their interests and abilities;
  • Supporting groups and individuals to address inequalities through leadership and advocacy
  • Delivering national programmes at local level
  • Securing funding and assisting other groups/clubs to source funding
  • Strategic planning and coordination
  • Partnership development and connectivity
  • Capacity building and generating investment
  • Promotion of excellence and continuous improvement

Strategic Planning 2014 - 2018

Following the research and consultation process with all stakeholders the following five strategic themes and priority areas were identified:


To increase and sustain the number of people taking part in sport and physical activity, targeting the least active and contributing to the contribute towards local agendas for health, community cohesion, economic development and educational achievement. Sport Ireland has identified the following target groups: people with a disability, women, older adults, and disadvantaged communities.


To develop the capacity of clubs leaders, officials, administrators, coaches and volunteers to facilitate activities for all ages and abilities, running safe, equitable, and effective clubs. Collaborating with Coaching Ireland, NGBs, Carlow Volunteer Centre and IT Carlow.

Facilities & Amenities

To support the development of facilities and amenities for sport and physical activity, both built and natural, and maximise usage.


To raise the profile of County Carlow Sports Partnership and become known as the central hub of information for all matters related to sports and physical activity development.


To increase information sharing and collaborative working with our strategic partners in order to maximise resources, address gaps in provision, and avail of all opportunities to increase participation and engagement in sports and physical activity in Carlow.

The strategic plan will be further devolved to a yearly operational plan detailing programmes, activities and delivery partners based on the priorities as set out above and resources available.  The LSP Steering Committee will oversee the implementation of the strategy.  The operational plan will be delivered in partnership with a wide range of community groups and agencies.  The Steering Committee of the sports partnership will ensure that the operational plan is in keeping with the vision and objectives of the strategic plan.  The implementation will also be overseen by Sport Ireland and the County Council.

CCSP will make annual returns to Sport Ireland on its performance against targets within the strategy.  Regular monitoring and evaluation will be carried out on each of the strategic themes to ensure that progress is being made and highlight issues arising. The key performance indicators detailed in the action plan will enable the partnership to measure success. Programme updates and activity monitoring will take place through Board Meeting Reports.  Following on from a recommendation of the Fitzpatrick Report 2005, the Irish Sports Council has implemented a common evaluation system for all Local Sports Partnerships. The SPEAK System is a computer based monitoring and evaluation system which is designed to:

  • Produce information to assist staff and management to make informed decisions.
  • Allow for ongoing internal review, periodic assessments, and provide a facility for external inputs.
  • Assists networking based on sharing of information between projects, counties, regions and themes.

The Irish Sports Council provides annual core funding to assist Local Sports Partnerships under the headings of: staffing, administration, communications, national participation programmes and education and training. LSPs can also apply for programme funding for local participation programmes.  The Fitzpatrick Report 2005 recommended that after 2008, a minimum of 50% of the core costs of Local Sports Partnerships would be provided by local agencies. It is expected that partner agencies will contribute with financial support or ‘benefit-in-kind’ in the delivery of the sports action plan.  County Carlow Sports Partnership will continue to pursue external funding opportunities which may arise, (e.g. YPSFF, Dormant Accounts, National Disability Strategy, European Programmes etc.). This may be done through a local interagency approach or in partnership with other LSPs. Funding will also be raised through LSP training and workshop participation fees.  Although these events are heavily subsidised to ensure accessibility, it is appropriate to charge a fee for certain events.