Buggy Buddies is coming to Carlow Town Park
This unique class is a great way for new parents as you can bring your baby ‘n buggy along. It gives Mums the chance to get in shape. Dads are welcome too.
Parents can swap stories, get some top tips; it will get you outdoors helping you to engage in nature and lift your mood. You can get fit and active, feel energetic and positive and most of all, help you lose the weight and tone up.
We hope to see lots of mums, dads and babies for some fitness and chats at Buggy Buddies – a great way to make new friends, get fresh air and exercise, all with baby in tow. After your exercise session for those who wish to go for a coffee there will be a designated area available to relax and socialise together in a friendly atmosphere.
What are the benefits of attending a 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme! Improve your fitness level – Improve your well-being and mental health – Strengthen your pelvic floor & abdominal muscles – Increase your flexibility – Tone and define your body – Increase your energy level – Engage and be part of your community.
If you are interested in joining this 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme, please send an email to carlowsportspartnership@carlowcoco.ie