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#BeActive at Home

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic everyone is being asked to stay close to home.  We have put together a suite of  resources and more activities to help keep everyone to keep moving.

Whether you need ideas for getting active, coping from a mindfulness perspective or are involved with a club and aren’t sure what the next few months might mean for you, we want to support you, and your next steps.

Always be mindful of the COVID 19 restrictions and click on www.hse.ie or www.gov.ie  for the most up to date information.

Carlow Sport Partnership Programmes

Walk to Jog programme is currently full – contact the office to be added to the waitlist

Strong with Sarah

Details to be announced soon

Buggy Buddies

Details to be announced soon



Check out our Nature on Your Doorstep pull-out supplement in this week’s Carlow Nationalist

We have designed some outdoor challenges to help you to stay active and learn about nature at the same time.  The challenges were printed as a supplement in the Carlow Nationalist and are also available to download here as individual challenge sheets.  Huge thanks to Una Halpin of Wildways Adventures, Johanna Brown of WildTime and Mary White of Blackstairs Eco Trailsfor their assistance in putting this booklet together.

WALK to JOG Programme

We are delighted to announce our Walk to Jog programme in partnership with local fitness instructor Joe Dunny.  Joe will support participants to progress from walking to jogging within COVID19 distance restrictions.  The programme is free however places are limited to 50 to ensure quality support to participants 👍  #BeActive and register on https://walktojog.eventbrite.ie to book your place 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

NB: Please note that the current programme is full.  If you are interested in this programme please email carlowsportspartnership@carlowcoco.ie


Online Training & Education

There is a wide array of online learning opportunities which include free access to a range of conferences, classroom based training courses and e-learning services across a number of organisational capability areas.

These include: Safeguarding Children in Sport, Garda Vetting, Volunteer Management, Committee Skills, Financial Management, Media Skills, Project Management, Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Strategic Planning.

Please follow the links to access training information.  If you or your club has a specific need around training please contact carlowsportspartnership@carlowcoco.ie and we would be delighted to discuss options with you.