Safeguarding 1 - Online via zoom
Safeguarding 1 Online Training
Online Safeguarding 1 Training Course
This course will be run on ‘Zoom’ an interactive video conferencing platform.
Participants will need a tablet/laptop & a good internet connection.
The ‘Zoom’ access link for the course and relevant course materials will be emailed to participants in advance in word and PDF formats.
To gain accreditation, it is required that participants complete the full course.
A must for anyone working with children!!!
To get your Club Certified in Safeguarding click your prefered date.
Safeguarding 2 Online Training
A must for all Club Children’s Officers
A Club Children’s Officer should be child centred in focus and have as the primary aim the establishment of a child centred ethos within the club. S/He is the link between the children and the adults in the club. S/He also takes responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders.
Each person attending the course will need to use their own independent device.
Safeguarding 1 course must be completed before you take part in Safeguarding 2.
To book your place on click here.
Sports First Aid
Sports First Aid Course
Date: 13th & 15th June
Time: 6pm - 10pm both evenings
Venue: Ballinkillen Community Centre
This 8 hour course is run over 2 evenings and cover the following:
Accident scene management
Wounds and bleeding
Fractures, sprains etc
Head injuries
Heart conditions; angina, heart attack, stroke and cardiac arrest.
Medical emergencies such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and allergic reactions.
CPR for adults children and infants and use of a defibrillator
To book your place on the course click here
Bike Week 2022 Grant Application Now Open
Bike week is a celebration and promotion of the benefits of cycling. This year Bike Week will take place from Saturday 14th May – Sunday 22nd May 2022.
As such, Carlow Sports Partnership are now accepting Expressions of Interests from clubs, schools, organisations and community groups who may be interested in hosting an event for Bike Week 2021.
A sample of what may be applied for includes, but is not limited to:
- A cycling event (race, family cycle, cycling tour etc.,)
- Refreshments for an event
- Learn to cycle programmes (for adults and children)
- Cycling workshops
- Electric Bike Workshops
To access an expression of interest form please click:
Here for a Microsoft Word format
Here for a PDF format
Or, for more information, please contact
Carlow Sports Partnership are Hiring Tutors

We are seeking to recruit suitably qualified candidates to add to our existing panel of tutors. Tutors will be required for occasional work to deliver a range of sport and physical activity programmes. Please note that:
- Applicants must be 18+
- All posts are subject to Garda Vetting
- Safeguarding through Sport Ireland will be provided prior to any engagement
If you would like some more information about tutoring opportunities/requirements, please contact Teresa via
To apply for a tutoring position with Carlow Sports Partnership, please send your CV and cover letter to Teresa via
The closing date for tutor applications is 5:00pm 7th March 2022.
Applicants may be short listed for interview.
Buggy Buddies Programme 2022
Buggy Buddies is coming to Carlow Town Park
This unique class is a great way for new parents as you can bring your baby ‘n buggy along. It gives Mums the chance to get in shape. Dads are welcome too.
Parents can swap stories, get some top tips; it will get you outdoors helping you to engage in nature and lift your mood. You can get fit and active, feel energetic and positive and most of all, help you lose the weight and tone up.
We hope to see lots of mums, dads and babies for some fitness and chats at Buggy Buddies – a great way to make new friends, get fresh air and exercise, all with baby in tow. After your exercise session for those who wish to go for a coffee there will be a designated area available to relax and socialise together in a friendly atmosphere.
What are the benefits of attending a 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme! Improve your fitness level – Improve your well-being and mental health – Strengthen your pelvic floor & abdominal muscles – Increase your flexibility – Tone and define your body – Increase your energy level – Engage and be part of your community.
If you are interested in joining this 6-week Buggy Buddies Programme, please send an email to
Safeguarding 2 - Children's Officer Training
A must for all Club Children’s Officers
A Club Children’s Officer should be child centred in focus and have as the primary aim the establishment of a child centred ethos within the club. S/He is the link between the children and the adults in the club. S/He also takes responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders.
Each person attending the course will need to use their own independent device.
Safeguarding 1 course must be completed before you take part in Safeguarding 2.
To book your place on click here.
Coaching Teenage Girls In Sport Workshop
Following the release of the Adolescent Girls Get Active Report, Carlow Sports Partnership are delighted to facilitate Sport Ireland’s Coaching Teenage Girls in Sport Workshop, designed specifically to support coaches of girls aged 12-17 years of age.
Developed by Sport Ireland Coaching in conjunction with the Federation of Irish Sport, the School of Health & Human Performance Dublin City University and Lifes2Good Foundation, the workshop was developed to enable coaches to create a positive experience of sport and physical activity for girls in their formative years and provide an environment where girls and young women can develop holistically.
The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity study, undertaken by Sport Ireland, Sport Northern Ireland and Healthy Ireland in 2018 highlights the dropout rate from sport for girls is higher than for their male counterparts. It is vital that we understand the coaching practices that support girls to start, and to stay in sport.
Central to this are coaches that create a positive environment that encourages safety, fun, and healthy competition. In addition, it is essential to employ supportive coaching practices that reward effort for trying a new skill over winning, encourage learning from mistakes while staying positive, and promote integrity and honesty. The workshop supports the 8 Key Principles of Success outlined in the Adolescent Girls Get Active Report.
A strong emphasis is placed throughout the workshop on supporting coaches to identify and engage in effective coaching practice reflecting the importance of the coach-athlete relationship, and specifically the role of the coach in a young girl’s development. This involves employing a positive and athlete-centred coaching framework, to support the development of the autonomy, capabilities, and sense of belonging that underpin lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity.
Carlow Sports Partnership are offering two separate workshops, please note there is limited availability on both:
Workshop One: 9th February 2022 7:00pm – 10:00pm via Zoom, Cost €5.00
Workshop Two: 12th March 2022 7:00pm – 10:00pm via Zoom, Cost €5.00
To book a ticket for Workshop One, please click here:
To book a ticket for Workshop Two, please click here:
For more information or queries, please contact Deborah via
Upcoming Safeguarding Training Courses Online via Zoom
Online Safeguarding Training Courses
Safeguarding 1
10th October 2022
11th October 2022
Safeguarding 2
to be announced
Safeguarding 3
to be announced
All these courses will be run on ‘Zoom’ an interactive video conferencing platform.
Participants will need a tablet/laptop & a good internet connection.
The ‘Zoom’ access link for the course and relevant course materials will be emailed to participants in advance in word and PDF formats.
To gain accreditation, it is required that participants complete the full course.
A must for anyone working with children!!!
To book your place on the course click here
Queries to
Bagenalstown Activity Hub Sub-Committee Recruitment
Bagenalstown Activity Hub Sub-Committee Recruitment
Carlow Sports Partnership are seeking expressions of interest from members of the Bagenalstown community and surrounding areas to join the Bagenalstown Activity Hub Sub-Committee.
The key aims of the Bagenalstown Activity Hub are to ensure that local resources are used to best effect. With the vision of creating long-term sustainability and a legacy from 5-year hub dormant account funding via Sport Ireland. The hub will operate within the existing structures of Carlow Sports Partnership. The Activity Hub objectives are to provide:
- Funding
- Information
- Support
- Training
- Programmes
The remit of the proposed subcommittee will be to oversee the development of the Activity Hub plan. To support the Hub Coordinator in promoting and developing an Activity Hub for the community and Municipal District and to increase levels of participation in sport and physical activity through existing community groups, schools, clubs, and organisations in and around Bagenalstown.
The sub-committee will aim to bring Bagenalstown representatives together and draw on their individual expertise, independence, and diversity in line with the objectives of the Community Sports & Physical Activity Hub.
The subcommittee will meet once a month online or in person where possible. The agenda will be set prior to each meeting and sent to the subcommittee. Please note that no meeting will take place in July & August.
The Bagenalstown Activity Hub subcommittee will be overseen by the current Bagenalstown Steering Group which comprise of the following members: John Murphy, Paddy Gardiner, Colin Rea, Keara O’ Dea & Carol Clarke. Furthermore, Carol Clarke will act as a representative from the main steering group and will sit on the Hub subcommittee.
On a wide range of sports and physical activities to make it easier for people to get involved and engage in a more active and healthier lifestyle in Bagenalstown.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Bagenalstown Activity Hub, please complete the Expression of Interest form.
Please note that the closing date for the receipt of expressions of interest is Friday 28th January 2022. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
If you have any queries or require further information, contact Majella Fennelly on 087 9185466 or via
Expression of Interest 2022 Bagenalstown Activity Hub Subcommittee
Expression of Interest form Bagenalstown Activity Hub Subcommittee
Expression of Interest 2022 Bagenalstown Activity Hub Subcommittee
Expression of Interest form Bagenalstown Activity Hub Subcommittee