A Public Information Workshop
will be held on
Wednesday 10th November at 7.30pm
in Murphy Memorial Hall, Tullow.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss preparing a Dormant Accounts Fund application, to secure the potential of 5 years funding for a Community Sports & Physical Activity Hub in Tullow, Co. Carlow.
This is a Hub where the community is at the heart and is centred around community participation. Includes developing and strengthening linkages between the community, sports clubs, and other physical activity groups.
This is a Hub that will maximises sports facility usage through linkages with the local schools, create training opportunities and the Hub will focus on the development of the outdoor spaces.
Vision and Mission of the Community Sports and Physical Activity Hubs:
Vision: The vision of a Hub is to increase the number of people of all ages participating in sport and physical activity in their communities.
Mission: The mission of the Community Sports and Physical Activity Hub is to bring local people together and provide a home for local clubs and sports organisations.
For questions or queries email: mfennelly@carlowcoco.ie