As children return to sport we must all familiarise ourselves with the guidelines to keep safe during training.
Follow the top tips and let’s keep everyone safe while training
- Complete your club’s pre-training questionnaire
- Follow all instructions from the club Covid officer
- No one should attend training if they, or any member of their household have symptoms of Covid-19, are deemed a close contact or are awaiting a PCR test results
- Bring your own equipment including helmet, mouth guards, towels and water bottle, all clearly marked with your name
- Jerseys or bibs should not be swapped during a training session
- Minimise sharing equipment where possible
- No high 5s, handshakes or fist pumps
- Everyone should wash their hands thoroughly bebfore and after training and bring hand sanitizer
- Maintain physical distance from teammates, coaches and other players when taking a break and before and after training
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow
- Parents, coaches, officials and volunteers should wear a face covering
- No high 5s, handshakes or fist pumps
- Wash your hands thoroughly before &after training
- Bring hand sanitizer
- Maintain physical distance when taking a break and before and after training
- Do not carpool to training with others outside your household
- Arrive, train and leave in your training gear
- Plan ahead and bring spare gear in case you get wet