Safeguarding 2 - Online Training
A must for all Club Children’s Officers
Friday 25th November 2022
A Club Children’s Officer should be child centred in focus and have as the primary aim the establishment of a child centred ethos within the club. S/He is the link between the children and the adults in the club. S/He also takes responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders.
Each person attending the course will need to use their own independent device.
Safeguarding 1 course must be completed before you take part in Safeguarding 2.
To book your place please click here.
2022 Grant Announcement
Carlow Sports Partnership is now accepting applications for two grant sources
1. Local Sports Participation Small Grants Scheme
Carlow Sports Partnership has secured funding from Sport Ireland to support the development of sport and physical activity in County Carlow with a particular emphasis on low participation groups such as young people, people with a disability, older adults, women and girls, ethnic minorities and people residing in disadvantaged areas. This fund aims to assist existing clubs and community groups that have physical activity and sport as their primary activity and encourage the set-up of new clubs and groups to promote physical activity and sport.
The maximum amount of funding available per club/group/organisation is €2,000.00.
2. Covid-19 Small Grant Scheme (Round 3)
The Covid-19 Club Small Grant Scheme is part of a series of Covid-19 related funding schemes from Sport Ireland and the Government to support the sports sector in a bid to aid the return to sport. The COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme will provide assistance to local clubs with covering costs associated with the reopening and delivery of their activities. With many sporting clubs & groups now back to training and activity across the County we are delighted to announce details of the third round of the Covid-19 Club Small Grants Scheme for 2022.
The maximum amount of funding available per club/group/organisation is €1,500.00.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 5:00pm Friday 11th November 2022.
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Please see a downloadable PDF link for both sets of applications and guidelines below.
If you would like a Microsoft Word version of the same, please email Egle via or call 0599136247.
Application Form: Covid-19 Small Grants Scheme Round 3
Guidelines: Covid-19 Small Grants Scheme Round 3
Application Form: Local Sports Participation Small Grants Scheme
Guidelines: Local Sports Participation Small Grants Scheme